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Seeking a summer internship position in electrical engineering in a technology company
GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYCollege of EngineeringAtlanta, Georgia
Bachelor of Science in Electrical EngineeringMay 2014
Minor in Computer Engineering
GPA: 3.2
Hope Scholarship Recipient
Brooks High SchoolMadison, Georgia
High School Diploma with Honors May 2014
GPA: 3.7
National Honors Society
Advanced Placement Courses in science and math completed at Madison Community College
Mindspring Enterprises, Inc.Atlanta, Georgia
InternJune - August 2013
Provided internal technical support for 30 computer users in sales and marketing departments
Recognized as Outstanding Summer Intern as a result of high customer satisfaction scores from employee survey
Developed and presented a workshop to train 10 administrative support employees on new software introduction
Planned installation and installed new software on 30 computers. Installation was complete 1 day early and with minimal user downtime
Assisted IT department with website maintenance for sales and marketing section of company webpage
Brooks High SchoolMadison, Georgia
Part Time Computer AssistantSummer 2012
Installed software and performed troubleshooting tasks for computers in student library
Tutored 5 students in the after school program in basic programming skills
Provided basic training to 6 library staff members when 2010 MS Office Suite upgrade was complete
Baxter’s Ice Cream ShopMadison, Georgia
Customer Service RepSummer 2011
Managed cash register receipts and ensured bank deposits were made
Trained new customer service reps on store operations
Assisted manager with daily store closing process
Selected Employee of the Month for outstanding customer service
Skills:C++ computer programming; Microsoft Office Suite; Fluent Spanish
Volunteerism:Relay for Life Cancer Walk (2010); Senior Citizens Services Meals on Wheels; Madison Beautification Project Committee (School District Volunteer Leader)
Organizations:Brooks High Debate Club (President); Brooks High Women’s Softball Team (Co-Captain)
Awards: Beta Club Honors Award, MVP Women’s Softball, Outstanding Teachers Award – St. Peters Catholic Church School, State Science Fair (Georgia) 2ndPlace in Electronics category


1.时间要倒序。 最近的学历情况要放在最前面。


3.地名右对齐,全部大写并加粗。 地名后一定写中国。例如,海口(Haikou)的拼写与日本北海道(Hokaido)的拼写很相近。读简历的有可能是外国人,不知道的会搞不清楚是哪个国家。可能你出过国,这是件好事,但如果去的地方并不太出名,没加国名,大家也意识不到。总之是造成了一些不方便,效率不高。我们应该一切从最完善的角度出发。如果是大城市,如广州、大连等,则城市后面不必加省名,因为如果不知道这些城市的老外,也很难对它们所属的省份有什么概念。而像黄石、邯郸这样的城市,后面还是加上省名为好,但province一词可以省略。 如果地名的字数过多,甚至公司名的字数也不少,不妨将所有公司名、学校名及地名都改成只第一个字母大写,这样就腾出地儿了。

4.学历。 如果正在学习,用Candidate for开头比较严谨;如果已经毕业,可以把学历名称放在最前。

5.社会工作 担任班干部,只写职务就可以了;参加过社团协会,写明职务和社团名,如果什么职务都没有,写"member of club(s)"。社团协会,国外一般都用club。不必写年月和工作详情,有些可留待工作经历中写。顺便讲一下几个职称的译法:

1)班长。国内很流行用Monitor,但国外常见的是Class President,这样显得更国际化。

2)团支部书记。用Secretary也可以,但在与外国人打交道时,如果参加的是纯商业机构,背景中政治色彩越少越好。经常一个班就是一个支部,我们可以用class表示支部,那么class用Secretary不合适,不妨用President。在某种意义上,班长和团支部书记二者的角色是相同的。但如果二者是并驾齐驱的,不妨用Co-president。再有,如果你写了President,当有人问班长时,他可能会不高兴,为处理好关系,你不妨谦虚一下,用Vice President。这样,发生副作用的可能性就会很小。

3)副会长。用Vice President是最合适的,在国外也很常见。

6.奖学金 一般用一句话概括。如果有多个,也争取用一句话概括。但如果是在校生,则参见学生简历。

7.成绩。 如果不是前五名,建议不写。因为如果排在五名之外,感觉您不是一个优秀的学生。一旦写上,有些人会穷追不舍地猛问,让你尴尬。