No.67, Lane123 Job Road,, Job District, Shanghai, 200070 |
(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx | 情缘阅读网@.com |
Objective: Teacher/Trainer |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Bachelor of Arts, Sociology | Expected June 2014 |
• | Awarded the Chancellor’s Service Award |
• | Relevant Coursework: Child Development, Social Psychology of Higher Education, Understanding GiftedStudents, and Academic Success in your Undergraduate Experience |
Project Literacy, UCLA | Sept. 2011-present |
• | Travel once per week, four hours per week, to tutor a 4th grade student in a low-income, urbancommunity |
• | Assist the student in developing personal learning strategies |
• | Review homework, create flashcards, and engage the student in the learning process |
• | Consult with teachers and parents regarding student progress and attendance |
Undergraduate Section Leader, UCLA | Sept. 2012-Dec 2012 |
• | Led section of 15-students through discussion of course material and review for midterm |
• | Utilized learning theories to create interactive lessons and student-run discussion |
• | Assisted students in selecting and writing a 20-page research paper |
• | Oversaw the development of a training manual for future section leaders |
Academics in the Commons” Workshop Leader, UCLA | Sept. 2011-June 2012 |
• | Trained to provide educational workshops to fellow undergraduates |
• | Presented 4 workshops per quarter, on topics including: “Preparing for Law School,” “Transfer Adjustment,”and “Study Skills” |
• | Utilized technology to engage students through visual and interactive learning |
Swim Instructor / Lifeguard | Summers 2010, 2011 |
• | Taught 30-minute swim lessons to students, ranging from 2 years old to adults |
• | Presented safety workshops to educate the students on issues including: pool safety, community health,and handling emergency situations |
• | Evaluated mastery of techniques for advancement to the next skill level |
Resident Assistant, UCLA | Sept 2010-Present |
• | Assisted with the high school to college transition for 90 first-year students |
• | Facilitated roommate contracts and effectively handled counseling situations |
• | Created 7 active and passive programs per quarter on academics, personal growth, citizenship and community development |
• | Awarded Hall of Fame programming award for canned food drive |
• | Served as part of a rotating duty team enforcing on-campus housing policy |