XXX@情缘阅读网.com | (+86) 13xxxxxxxxxx |
Northwestern University | Evanston, IL |
| Bachelor of Arts in English and French anticipated | June 2013 |
| GPA: 3.73/4.0 | Academic Dean‟s List 5 of 9 quarters |
Iowa Young Writers’ Studio, University of Iowa | Iowa City, IA |
Northwestern University Press | Evanston, IL |
Editorial Assistant | Summer 2012 |
• | Promoted from intern to editorial assistant in September 2010 for excellent and thorough work |
• | Edit various manuscripts, including short story anthologies, drama, novels, and educational and scholarly works |
• | Prepare files for copyediting by entering typesetting codes, fact-checking references and consistency of style |
• | Input author and copyeditor changes to files, review page proofs, query authors about discrepancies in manuscripts |
• | Revise introductions, chronologies, photo galleries, notes, bibliographies, and indices |
StoryQuarterly Literary Magazine | Kenilworth, IL |
• | Edited short story manuscripts and promoted subscriptions |
• | Increased sales by 50% within first 6 months and managed publicity campaign |
Commonwealth Editions | Beverly, MA |
• | Edited Mindy Cook‟s book A Guide to the Chicago Music Scene, published March 2010 |
• | Researched and compiled marketing information on potential buyers and target audiences |
The Concord Journal | Concord, MA |
Teen Columnist | 2008 - 2010 |
• | Wrote biweekly column “Kid View,” consisting of 700–1000 words and circulating approximately 1000 copies per month |
• | Researched relevant topic areas ranging from interviews with peers, adults, and politicians to reflections on current events and personal experiences |
• | Received „Column of the Year‟ award in 2005 and 2008 based on acclaim from local residents and out-of-state readers |
Northwestern University Writing Center | Evanston, IL |
Tutor, Private Tutor | 2010 - Present |
• | Tutor undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty on all genres of writing |
Smaller Business Association of New York (SBANY) | New York, NY |
• | Worked with state legislators and government agencies on SBANY‟s small business advocacy initiatives |
• | Created and developed marketing materials and assisted in planning and coordinating conferences and networking events |
Mildred’s Tale, Kimm S. Gordon, Concord, MA, 2009 |
• | Authored 55-page historical novella chronicling the major events during the women‟s suffrage movement |
Revolutionary War Heroes, How the War was Won, Dr. Susan C. Thoney, Concord Press, Washington, MA Contributor, published 2010 |
• | Wrote chapter entitled “The Revolution, its Beginnings” about woman‟s roles during the American Revolution |
Senior Honors Thesis in English centering on the works of Joseph Conrad and Jorge Luis Borges(2012) |
Proficient in Microsoft Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, InDesign, STATA |
Publishing: | Experienced with the Chicago Manual of Style editing symbols, language, and guidelines |
Computer: | Proficient on both PC and Macintosh; Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook); Web 2.0 |
Language: | Fluent in reading, writing, speaking, and presenting in Spanish (11 years of coursework). |
如果没有人通知,即使前面一个人已经面试结束,也应该在门外耐心等待,不要擅自走进面试房间。自己的名字被喊到,就有力地答一声“是”,然后再 敲门进入,敲两三下是较为标准的。敲门时千万不可敲得太用劲,以里面听得见的力度。听到里面说:“请进”后,要回答:“打扰了”再进入房间。开门关门尽量要轻,进门后不要用后手随手将门关上,应转过身去正对着门,用手轻轻将门合上。回过身来将上半身前倾30度左右,向面试官鞠躬行礼,面带微笑称呼一声“你 好”,彬彬有礼而大方得体,不要过分殷勤、拘谨或过分谦让。
面试时,握手是最重要的一种身体语言。专业化的握手能创造出平等、彼此信任的和谐氛围。你的自信也会使人感到你能够胜任而且愿意做任何工作。这是创造好的第一印象的最佳途径。怎样握手?握多长时间?这些都非常关键。因为这是你与面试官的初次见面,这种手与手的礼貌接触是建立第一印象的重要开始,不少企业把握手作为考察一个应聘者是否专业、自信的依据。所以,在面试官的手朝你伸过来之后就握住它,要保证你的整个手臂呈L型(90度),有力地摇两下,然后把手自然地放下。握手应该坚实有力,有“感染力”。双眼要直视对方,自信地说出你的名字,即使你是位女士,也要表示出坚定的态度,但不要太使劲,更不要使劲摇晃;不要用两只手,用这种方式握手在西方公司看来不够专业。而且手应当是干燥、温暖的。如果他/她伸出手,却握到一只软弱无力、湿乎乎的手, 这肯定不是好的开端。如果你刚刚赶到面试现场,用凉水冲冲手,使自己保持冷静。如果手心发凉,就用热水捂一下。