

Quality Guarantee

ADS guarantees that all hardwave and frame component have been carefully manutactured are free from defects in workmanship .and material for a pericel of there (5) years date of purchase.

If any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication .repiacement witlent cost

The customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .Scratches ang bridge to mate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. Megigence .abuse. Firedamage caused by building detects.

Acts of God and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.

The product quality complies to European standards ,BS EN653(19xx),and EEA Health and Safety Standards.


艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。自购买之日内起(五)年内在正确地使用方法下导致的产品质量问题,本公司将给用户质量维修。 任何用户自身不适当的搬运,安装,滥用,疏忽。损坏致使产品直接产生破坏及无论何种情况下的镜面粉碎,均不在产品保修之列。

产品质量均符合欧洲标准BS EN653:19xx之规定,满足EEA健康与安全标准。特此证明。