


  It was our national holiday and I had eight days off,so I went with my parents to visit my grandma in the country.Indeed,I will never forget the journey.

  On the morning of Oct.1,Iwas woken up by my mother.She told me to start out early ,or we might be blocked on the way .Hearing this,I thought she was frighting me.

  However,when we got to the expressway,I began to realize what I thought was wrong.There were so many cars,buses and trucks on the road that we found it very hard to move forward.More than five hours passed,butwe still hadover600 Km togo. hungryand thirsty, I could hardly stand it any longer. mother and father kept on comforting me. In the end,we arrived at Grandma`s,but it was already 11;00p.m.

  the journeywas unforgettable andI think it is a trouble to go home on holidays for many people. I hope that our government can do something to solve this problem.




  然而,当我们到了高速公路,我开始意识到我的想法是错的。有这么多的汽车,公共汽车和卡车的道路上,我们发现它步履艰难。五个多小时过去了,我们仍然有600多公里的多哥。饥饿和口渴,我几乎无法忍受下去。爸爸妈妈一直安慰我。最后,我们来到了奶奶` S,但它已经是11;00p。M.
