


I will use the noble jewelry and model coupled with the elegant fonts. Jewelry embodies an elegant noble feelingI would like to use this style of jewelry as their own subject. So easy to become a vivid picture of some. The main topic I want to show the glamorous side of jewelry. Use some bright colors and simple performance-rich screen fonts. Easy to understand the main topic of this are my thoughts. Simple is not easy. I want to use to take some hand-painted Taste fonts。


I would like to use this style of jewelry as their own subject. I will use the noble jewelry and model coupled with the elegant fonts. Jewelry embodies an elegant noble feeling.

Easy to understand the main topic of this are my thoughts. Simple is not easy. I want to use to take some hand-painted Taste fonts. So easy to become a vivid picture of some.

The main topic I want to show the glamorous side of jewelry. Use some bright colors and simple performance-rich screen fonts.


“Time I value above all things. It just gets more and more precious.”

Beyond question, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa's singing career has been triumphantly consistent over the years. However, she admits that if one thing has changed it's her attitude toward time. She says, "It is so beautifully expressed by the Marschallin in Der Rosenkavalier: 'I go through the house in the middle of the night, and hear the ticking of the clocks. I can't stop them;I can't turn them back……'"

Dame Kiri feels that time has speeded up because her schedule deeps her diary filled for up to five years in advance.


"To arrive early is unfortunate, but to arrive late is the rudest thing imaginable," she says. But then she relents and smiles, adding, "Sometimes I don't know whether I organize time, or time organizes me."

For almost two decades Dame Kiri has been accompanied by her Rolex timepiece. Of her gold Lady Datejust with matching President bracelet, she says, "It is very beautiful, very elegant, and quite wonderful."



勿庸置Kiri Te Kanawa女士的歌唱生涯在过去几年中一直辉煌耀目。不过,要是说有什么变化的话,她承认,那就是她对时间的态度。她说,“歌剧《蔷薇骑士》中的Marschallin唱得好,'半夜里,我穿过房间,听见时钟滴滴嗒嗒地走着,我无法阻止它们,也不能使它们逆转。'”





1. 钻石像情人炯炯有神的眼睛,深情的注视着你,它是纯洁爱情的标志,表达对爱情的永恒追求和忠贞。

2. 铂金与彩金的交相辉映完美配合了希腊的神秘韵味与现代的高贵气质,双色搭配流露独特的风格。

3. 高贵华丽的金色不仅仅是一种颜色,也是一种价值,取向和品位,散发着含蓄的光芒。

4. 古往今来的王侯贵族死了以后,通常都会以珠宝黄金殉葬,再以他属下最英勇忠心的卫士陪葬,来看守他的珠宝和灵魂。

5. 那些他记忆里的残破蛛丝,却是另一个人记忆里的珍贵珠宝。

6. 玉总能温和的发出淡淡的光晕,含蓄却绝不容忽视的散发出自己的光彩。

7. 女人因珠宝更动人,珠宝因女人更璀璨,它们之间的关系微妙又耐人寻味。

8. 这些宝石之中蕴藏着生命:它们的色彩能够说出语言难以表达的意思。

9. 珠宝,爱情的演说家,男人深知它能打动女人的心。

10. 除了能明辨是非的灵魂之外,世界上最呆贵的就是钻石珠宝。

11. 多少被我们抛弃的东西,他人拾起来便成了珍宝。

12. 带来无尽爱意的闪烁在繁复纷扰的当代,没有什么比一件简单的珠宝更能打动深陷爱情中的女人心。

13. 我的丈夫和他取得的成就都是我的珠宝。

14. 人生是伟大的宝藏,我晓得从这个宝藏里选取最珍贵的珠宝。

15. 即便经历风雨,可并不沧桑,像珠宝一样,历经时光洗礼,却仍旧熠熠生辉。


1. 珠宝带着情意绵绵的嘱托,藏着天长地久的承诺,那无与伦比的光辉,折射出的绚丽,可以穿透任何壁垒,直抵灵魂最深处。

2. 钻石的美丽来自它本身,但它的光芒确实人们赋予它的。钻石是女人最好的朋友,也是


3. 古埃及人相信钻石是天神的眼泪,将钻石列为行星宝石中的“太阳”。

4. 在法国,真正的道德,跟一颗大钻石或珍奇的宝物一样受人欣赏。

5. 昨天还是一块煤,明天被一道无名的液体浸润过后,立刻成为毫光万道的钻石了。

6. 其实在每个人胸中都蕴藉着一块蓝钻,她在心灵的深处独自闪烁着雅洁的莹辉。

7. 繁富而灵气的钻石以自身的色相吸来光束吞下再软软地吐了出去,那是温润委婉的具各种意向的芒辉。

8. 钻石像情人炯炯有神的眼睛,深情的注视着你,它是纯洁爱情的标志,表达对爱情的永恒追求和忠贞。


I would like to use this style of jewelry as their own subject. I will use the noble jewelry and model coupled with the elegant fonts. Jewelry embodies an elegant noble feeling. Easy to understand the main topic of this are my thoughts. Simple is not easy. I want to use to take some hand-painted Taste fonts. So easy to become a vivid picture of some. The main topic I want to show the glamorous side of jewelry. Use some bright colors and simple performance-rich screen fonts.。


I would like to use this style of jewelry as their own subject. I will use the noble jewelry and model coupled with the elegant fonts. Jewelry embodies an elegant noble feeling. Easy to understand the main topic of this are my thoughts. Simple is not easy. I want to use to take some hand-painted Taste fonts. So easy to become a vivid picture of some. The main topic I want to show the glamorous side of jewelry. Use some bright colors and simple performance-rich screen fonts。
