I used:
Cream Cheese- Cattura Brand 226g x2 pcs
Whipping cream- Arla Brand 200ml x1 pc
(Can be Follow your favorite brands)
The following ingredients can be made of 8 slices of cakes.
Prepare all the ingredients & put at room temperature. Use mixer to make cake.
我用的是Cattura 牌子的奶油奶酪。(品牌一个人喜好)
Arla 牌子的淡奶油。(品牌依个人喜好)
准备好所有材料放桌面室温解冻。 运用机器搅拌。很快的蛋糕便可完成制作。
Cream Cheese 奶油奶酪 | 452g |
Caster Sugar 细砂糖 | 100g |
Salt 盐 | 1/2tsp |
Egg 鸡蛋 | 3pcs |
低筋面粉/Cake flour | 14g |
Whipping Cream淡奶油 | 200ml |
Lemon Juice 柠檬汁 | 2tsp |
7inch Basque Burnt Cheesecake ~ 7寸巴斯克焦香蛋糕的做法
- Ready Cream Cheese & Whipping cream , at room temperature.
从冰箱取出奶油奶酪&淡奶油。 放置在“室温”解冻。
- Ready Baking paper & put into the 7inch cake tin.
- Ready 3pcs eggs & stir well. (B size egg)
预备三颗鸡蛋, 搅拌均匀。 (我用的是B 蛋)
- Preheat oven with 200 Degree C for 10mins.
预热烤箱200度, 10分钟。

Cream Cheese soft enough till finger easily to pushed in. 奶油奶酪软化至手指可容易推入的状态便可开始制作了。

1) Add Caster Sugar & Salt with separately 3 times into the Cream Cheese & mix well. *Use mixer
把细糖和盐分三次加入奶油奶酪搅拌均匀。 *建议使用搅拌器
2) Add stirred eggs into the Cream Cheese with separately 3 times & mix well.
3) Sift the flour & mix well with Cream Cheese.
面粉过筛, 加入奶油奶酪糊中搅拌均匀。
4) Add Whipping Cream into the Cream Cheese & mix well.
5) Add Lemon Juice into the Cream Cheese, mix well.

6) Sift the Cream Cheese & pour into the cake tin.
Put in the middle of Oven. Bake at 230 Degree C for 30mins.
* Observe your cake in every 10mins. Bake until deep bronze.
奶油奶酪糊过筛, 倒入预备好的蛋糕模里。
放入烤箱里中间位置。 以230度,大概烤30分钟。
* 每10分钟观察一下蛋糕的表面。
在30分钟里, 蛋糕会发起来和表面开始有烤焦的颜色这代表蛋糕开始熟了。 可以再烤多一下以达到自己要的颜色效果。
7) Take out from Oven, let’s cool in the tin fully before put into the Fridge. Stay over night & next day only enjoy it.
蛋糕待冷却, 再放进冰箱过一晚再取出脱模。 蛋糕会更好吃。

1) Confirmed all the ingredients mixed well. Avoid whipping cream over stirring.把所有材料都搅拌均匀就是了。 只是加入了淡奶油就不要搅拌太久以免发起。
2) Sift the cheese cream at last to make the cake soft enough.
3)Cheese cake after two days more tasty & creamy.
4) Trick to cut cheesecake. Dip the knife into the hot water, then wipe it on a clean towel before making every cut.
可以用热水把刀给泡热,抹干。 切出来的蛋糕会很漂亮。 拍照起来也棒棒哒。 (我的成品出来后一窝蜂给家人扫光了,来不及拍照????)
5) Remember keep the cake in the fridge and recommend to finish the cake within 5days.