看电视别太多-dont watch too much tvtom watched tv too late last night. he didn’t go to bed until twelve. this morning he got u...
假设你是李华,请给你们的美籍教师Bob写一封电子邮件,向他简要介绍你校即将举办的英语文化节( English Culture Festival),邀请他参加本次活动,并请他在节目最后做一个关于如何学好英语的讲座。邮件还应包括以下内容:1.活...
Dear Todd,I hope this email finds you well. I am Bryan Lim, a director of the Little Free Library for our neighbors in S...
800字高二年级英语作文:Introduce myself
Hello! My dear friends! First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Wu Dongxiang and my friend usually call me Kin...
300字二年级英语作文:The Difficulty I Face
Two days ago, when I was shopping with my friends, we saw a foreigner having some problems with the shop assistant. They...
1000字A Letter to jack
Dear Jack, I’m sorry to hear that you fell nervous before the exam. I have some advice for you. I hope I can help...
中考英语作文范文 A Lovely “Pig”-可爱的“小猪”
A Lovely Pig”-可爱的小猪”我10岁生日那天,妈妈送给我的生日礼物是一个布做的小猪”。它可爱极了。小猪”穿着蓝色的衣服。它有一张红红的脸蛋儿,小小的嘴巴。它的两只耳朵像是两把扇子。...
中考英语作文范文 I Love Autumn-我喜欢秋天
I Love Autumn-我喜欢秋天我喜欢秋天。我喜欢秋天的落叶,铺在地上金黄一片,踩上去沙沙作响。我知道那是树木为来年春天的重生卸掉包袱,所以我去欣赏它,不带有任何哀伤的情绪。秋天的田野硕果累累,人们在收获的季节总是会欢欣鼓舞。那秋天的...