1000字其他英语作文:What a wonderful day Last month I went to an amusement park, because I had an excellent grade on my final exam. At the beginning when we drov... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文
650字关于友情About Friendship Since I came to middle school, I have made many friends and the lucky thing is that I meet my best friend. Her name is L... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文
300字我的业余爱好My Hobby When I don’t have to go to school, I like to join many activities. I have many hobbies. I will play all kinds of s... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文
800字我发现了什么What I Have Found Since I came to high school, I find that I need to do some homework with a group, as it is the teacher's requirement... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文
650字亲近大自然Get Close to the Nature When I was in middle school, I moved to the city to live with my parents, I miss my hometown all the time, I can’t... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文
300字我喜欢糖果I Like Candy I like candy very much. On my birthday, my grandma gives me a bag of candy. Fruit candy is my favorite. They are colourf... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文
1200字健身与养生Fitness and Health Many years ago, the commercial ads about losing weight was such popular, its aim was to show women to lose weight as mor... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文
250字一年级英语作文:What I Have Learned Last week, the teacher gave us a task. We needed to do homework in group. At first, I was so afraid of doing the group w... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文
1200字高三年级英语作文:Be grateful for friends It is a celebrating day. I got in touch with Michael whom I have been losing contact for one year.It is really magic. I... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文
600字和同学们出去玩 I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle s... 2020年10月18日 发表评论 阅读全文