中考英语作文范文 温暖的花 Mr. Wang is a retired worker. He loves flowers very much.It was cold outside in winter, so he thought his flowers might... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文
中考英语作文范文 Balance Sheet 2004Balance Sheet: 资产负债表年7月8日,因涉嫌公司财务丑闻被起诉的安然前首席执行官肯尼斯。莱在法庭上坚称自己无罪,并表示前首席财务官安德鲁。法斯托才是真正应该受到谴责的人。他表示:At our core, regrett... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文
中考英语作文范文 我最喜欢的节日 There are a lot of holidays for chinese people, such as National day, May Day, etc. However, chinese people look on spri... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文
中考英语作文范文 I Love My Parents I Love My ParentsI love my parents.They gave me life,they taught me a lot.They hug me warmly,they offer me delicious foo... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文
200字我的小小世界 My Little World My father made me a little cabin on the tree when I was five years old. I like this cabin so much, it is my little world... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文
中考英语作文范文 Love Your Life However mean your life is, meet it and live it,do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It lo... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文
250字仁慈的妈妈 My Kind Mother My mother takes care of me all the time, she is around me when I need help. Unlike my father, who is so severe and busy,... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文
250字我的错误 My Fault Last week, my friend asked me to go to the park with him, I was so happy to say yes. But when that day came, I forgot ab... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文
中考英语作文范文in the park Today is natinal day.I went to the park with my family to celebrate this holiday.There are many people in the park.Some... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文
2017小升初英语作文:如何成为中学生 How to be a Model Student I want to be a model student. What shall I do? I should be polite. I should study hard. I shou... 2021年01月12日 发表评论 阅读全文